Following items needed to do all the quests (Some items may be provided with the quests given):

01 Candle
04 Coal
01 Filament
01 Incense
01 Jumjum
05 Lead Cluster
01 Leaded Loam
01 Liquid (Aerated Mineral Water)
05 Rawhide Leather Pelt
07 Root
01 Rough Malachite
01 Sandpaper
06 Severed Elm
10 Tin Cluster
01 Walnut Kindling

Quest I – Learning to Harvest (Optional)

You get this quest in the Tradeskill area from the NPC generally on the first floor. At the start you'll be given a "Meager Harvesting Bag" that's 10 slots and can only have resources in it. See also here for where to harvest for these quests.

10 Severed Elm
10 Root
10 Tin Cluster
05 Lead Cluster
03 Sunfish
02 Jumjum
05 Rawhide Leather Pelt

Reward: Trade Skill XP, at least 10c coin, Meager Harvesting Bag

Quest II – Forging Ahead

You are given "Coal", 10c and "Artisan Essentials Volume 1" book to begin. You will be crafting a "Simple Candelabra" for this quest; this is done on the Forge (Sculpting).

2 Tin Cluster
1 Severed Elm
1 Root
1 Coal

Reward: Trade Skill XP, at least 10c coin

Quest III – Countering Problems

You will then be given "coal" and "Artisan Essentials Volume 2". You will be crafting a "Lead Bracelet" for this quest; this is done on the Work Bench (Artificing).

4 Lead Cluster
1 Tin Cluster
1 Coal

Reward: Trade Skill XP, at least 10c coin and Artisan Essentials Volume 3.

Quest IV– Learning to Cook

From here on out, you will not be given the fuels and such to make the item although you should have already collected the resources if you did the "Learning to Harvest" Quest. You will be crafting "Jum Jum Cider" for this quest; this is done on the Stove and Keg (Artistry).

1 Jumjum
1 Liquid (Aerated Mineral Water)
1 Walnut Kindling

Reward: Trade Skill XP, at least 10c coin and Artisan Essentials Volume 4

Quest V – The Art of Weapons

You will be crafting "Elm Greatstaff" and "Forged Tin Battle Axe" for this quest; this is done on the Woodworking Table (Fletching) and Forge (Metalworking).

3 Severed Elm
1 Rawhide Leather Pelt
1 Tin Cluster
1 Sandpaper


3 Tin Cluster
1 Rawhide Leather Pelt
1 Root
1 Coal

Reward: Trade Skill XP, at least 10c coin and Artisan Essentials Volume 5

Quest VI – Scribing Scrolls

You will be crafting "Arcane Bindings" for this quest; this is done on the Engraved Desk (Scribing).

1 Rough Malachite
2 Root
2 Severed Elm
1 Incense

Reward: Trade Skill XP, at least 10c coin and Artisan Essentials Volume 6

Quest VII – Alchemical Experiments

You will be crafting "Essence of Intervene" for this quest; this is done on the Chemistry Table (Chemistry).

1 Leaded Loam
1 Root
1 Lead Cluster
1 Tin Cluster
1 Candle

Reward: Trade Skill XP, at least 10c coin and Artisan Essentials Volume 7

Quest VIII – Essential Outfitting

You will be crafting "Tin Chainmail Coat" and "Rawhide Leather Backpack" for this quest; this is done on the Forge (Metal Shaping) and Loom (Tailoring).

2 Tin Cluster
1 Rawhide Leather Pelt
1 Root
1 Coal


2 Rawhide Leather Pelt
1 Root
1 Filament

Reward: Trade Skill XP, at least 10c coin and Artisan's Tunic