Hemoora fighting in the Crypt of Betrayal

Hemoora fighting in Thundering Steps

A guild taking on Dreadwake in Everfrost

Everfrost in the morning

Everfrost in the morning

Icegill in Everfrost

The Sun rise again

Late evening in Everfrost

Killing big mobs is such fun

Something kewl in Everfrost

Look, I found a friend! Run!!

Snowing in the pass

Ice mob, can even see through it.

Yet another angle of the Ice mobs

Mammoth in the snow

Just a little Lavastorm

This is no place to go swimming

Windstalker Rumbler - nice pet

A little raid event, later we all died

This is in Nek Castle, level 32-37 mobs

Aramith, Hemoora (left) & Krang (his back)

Aramith, Hemoora (left) & Krang (his back)

Hemoora and Krang in Cauldron Hallow

Hemoora and Krang in Cauldron Hallow

Deer hunting at it's best

Nice teeth
