You must be in a building with an Access Fee! People on the Admin or Entry list will not be charged. I run this with my guild on Entry to the building and a Fee on the door. My guild bank tips based on guild rules while anyone not in the guild is charged the entry fee. Please note, who ever owns the lot is who gets the fee i.e. a city leader could set the fee, give access and the BOT run with just entry access. I donate part of my earnings to the city fund.
For those times when you want to have a Doc in the City for your guild or friends. Do not blame me for issues as this macro is only posted as an example of what you can do with the ingame system. Doc BOTing is not my idea as it existed way before I got in the game, this macro is my idea of how to do the task. Good luck!
SWG format for macros:
01 Buffing_Advertising admin #ffffff /pause 0.25;/shout If you need to be buffed,
please pay the entry fee and wait in line. NO OVERTS. IF YOU ARE OVERT I CANNOT
BUFF YOU (I'm neutral).;/pause 10;/shout Please note that sometimes it will
take me up to 2 minutes to respond to you due to how this macro works.;/pause
10;/shout Please make sure you are not in a group when you invite me, I will
only buff group leader.;/pause 10;/shout Please let me know if you have problems
or have questions.;/pause 10;/shout Please wait for group invite request and
remember, one at a time please.;/pause 10;/shout All buffs over 2200 and last
3:45.;/pause 200;/macro buffing_advertising;
02 Buffing admin #ffffff /pause 0.25;/say Buffing session will start in 30 seconds.;/pause
10;/target Kitchen;/macro buffing_join_group;/pause 15;/sit;/pause 5;/macro
buffing_target_group_leader;/pause 15;/macro buffing_begin_auto_buff;/pause
120;/stand;/macro buffing;
03 Doc_bot admin #ffffff /pause 0.25;/say Doc Bot starting...;/stand;/say begin
advertise macro...;/pause 2;/macro buffing_advertising;/pause 5;/say advertising
running.;/pause 5;/say begin buffing macro...;/macro buffing;/pause 5;/say buffing
running.;/pause 5;/say begin logout/sleep macro...;/macro buffing_logout;/pause
5;/say logout/sleep running.;/say Doc Bot running.;
04 Buffing_Enhancements admin #ffffff /pause 0.25;/pause 2;/groupchat Hail and
well met, I hear you need some enhancements before your next battle.;/pause
2;/groupchat Here we go...;/groupchat ...;/healenhance;/pause 17;/groupchat
...;/healenhance;/pause 17;/groupchat ...;/healenhance;/pause 15;/groupchat
Half way now!;/pause 2;/groupchat ...;/healenhance;/pause 17;/groupchat ...;/healenhance;/pause
17;/groupchat ...;/healenhance;/groupchat There you go, good hunting!;/pause
3;/say %NT is now finished.;/pause 4;/groupchat Good-bye.;/pause 3;/disband;/pause
05 Buffing_Logout admin #ffffff /pause 0.25;/say Logout set for 60 minutes;/pause
3510;/macro buffing_logout_2_minute;/pause 30;/macro buffing_logout_1_5_minute;/pause
30;/macro buffing_logout_1_minute;/pause 2;/groupchat Resetting for logout process,
do not leave group you will get buffed.;/pause 28;/say Starting last buff session
now.;/pause 5;/groupchat Please wait, resetting for logout.;/dump;/macro buffing_logout_last_buff;
06 Buffing_Logout_Last_Buff admin #ffffff /pause 0.25;/groupchat Almost ready,
please wait.;/macro buffing_target_group_leader;/pause 15;/say Last buff goes
to %NT. Have a nice day.;/pause 2;/macro buffing_enhancements;/pause 30;/say
Logging out in 45 seconds.;/pause 15;/say Logging out in 30 seconds.;/pause
15;/say Logging out in 15 seconds.;/pause 15;/say Good-day!;/pause 5;/quit;
07 Buffing_Join_Group admin #ffffff /pause 0.25;/pause 5;/say Invite me to group
now, only group leader will be enhanced...;/pause 5;/join;/pause 5;/join;/pause
08 Buffing_Target_Group_Leader admin #ffffff /pause 0.25;/groupchat Buffing
will start in 15 seconds...;/pause 7;/ui action targetGroup0;/groupchat Setting
group leader for enhancement.;/pause 3;/ui action targetGroup0;/groupchat Okay,
group leader selected.;/pause 5;
09 Buffing_Begin_Auto_Buff admin #ffffff /pause 0.25;/say Currently helping
%NT, please wait for the next session to start.;/macro buffing_enhancements;/pause
10;/groupchat Please let me know how you like this idea.;/pause 10;/groupchat
If you have any suggestions, please email me.;/pause 10;/say Currently helping
%NT, we are almost done! If you are waiting in line I'll be with you shortly.
(Remember no Overts please!);/pause 10;/groupchat Please tell your friends and
thanks again.;/pause 10;/groupchat Thank you for your patronage.;/pause 10;/say
Thank you for your patronage %NT!;/pause 10;
10 Buffing_Logout_2_Minute admin #ffffff /pause 0.25;/say I will be logging
out in 2 minutes. I am sorry if I didn't get you buffed, but this is time so
I do not run out of packs and food.;/pause 5;/say I will be ending buffs shortly
and the last person will be buffed before I logout.;/pause 5;/say Thanks for
your time and patronage.;
11 Buffing_Logout_1_5_minute admin #ffffff /pause 0.25;/say I will be logging
out in 1 1/2 minutes. I am sorry if I didn't get you buffed, but this is timed
so I do not run out of packs and food.;/pause 5;/say There will be no more buffs
and the last person will be buffed before I logout.;/pause 5;/say Thanks for
your time and patronage.;
12 Buffing_Logout_1_Minute admin #ffffff /pause 0.25;/say I will be logging
out in less then 1 minute. I am sorry if I didn't get you buffed, but this is
timed so I do not run out of packs and food.;/pause 5;/say Please try back some
other time and again I am sorry if I missed you.;/pause 5;/say Thanks for your
time and patronage.;
Line format for macros:
Macro name: Doc_bot
/say Doc Bot starting...
/say begin advertise macro...
/pause 2
/macro buffing_advertising
/pause 5
/say advertising running.
/pause 5
/say begin buffing macro...
/macro buffing
/pause 5
/say buffing running.
/pause 5
/say begin logout/sleep macro...
/macro buffing_logout
/pause 5
/say logout/sleep running.
/say Doc Bot running.
Macro name: Buffing_Advertising
/shout If you need to be buffed, please pay the entry fee and wait in line.
/pause 10
/shout Please note that sometimes it will take me up to 2 minutes to respond
to you due to how this macro works.
/pause 10
/shout Please make sure you are not in a group when you invite me, I will only
buff group leader.
/pause 10
/shout Please let me know if you have problems or have questions.
/pause 10
/shout Please wait for group invite request and remember, one at a time please.
/pause 10
/shout All buffs over 2200 and last 3:45.
/pause 200
/macro buffing_advertising
Macro name: Buffing
/say Buffing session will start in 30 seconds.
/pause 10
/target Kitchen <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
This line is my chair to sit in or a neutral target that can not be buffed.
/macro buffing_join_group
/pause 15
/pause 5
/macro buffing_target_group_leader
/pause 15
/macro buffing_begin_auto_buff
/pause 120
/macro buffing
Macro name: Buffing_Join_Group
/pause 5
/say Invite me to group now, only group leader will be enhanced...
/pause 5
/pause 5
/pause 5
Macro name: Buffing_Target_Group_Leader
/groupchat Buffing will start in 15 seconds...
/pause 7
/ui action targetGroup0
/groupchat Setting group leader for enhancement.
/pause 3
/ui action targetGroup0
/groupchat Okay, group leader selected.
/pause 5
Macro name: Buffing_Begin_Auto_Buff
/say Currently helping %NT, please wait for the next session to start.
/macro buffing_enhancements
/pause 10
/groupchat Please let me know how you like this idea.
/pause 10
/groupchat If you have any suggestions, please email me.
/pause 10
/say Currently helping %NT, we are almost done! If you are waiting in line I'll
be with you shortly. (Remember no Overts please!)
/pause 10
/groupchat Please tell your friends and thanks again.
/pause 10
/groupchat Thank you for your patronage.
/pause 10
/say Thank you for your patronage %NT!
/pause 10
Macro name: Buffing_Enhancements
/pause 2
/groupchat Hail and well met, I hear you need some enhancements before your
next battle.
/pause 2
/groupchat Here we go...
/groupchat ...
/pause 17
/groupchat ...
/pause 17
/groupchat ...
/pause 15
/groupchat Half way now!
/pause 2
/groupchat ...
/pause 17
/groupchat ...
/pause 17
/groupchat ...
/groupchat There you go, good hunting!
/pause 3
/say %NT is now finished.
/pause 4
/groupchat Good-bye.
/pause 3
/pause 5
Macro name: Buffing_Logout
/say Logout set for 60 minutes
/pause 3510 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
time in seconds for 60 minutes/1 hour
/macro buffing_logout_2_minute
/pause 30
/macro buffing_logout_1_5_minute
/pause 30
/macro buffing_logout_1_minute
/pause 2
/groupchat Resetting for logout process, do not leave group you will get buffed.
/pause 28
/say Starting last buff session now.
/pause 5
/groupchat Please wait, resetting for logout.
/macro buffing_logout_last_buff
Macro name: Buffing_Logout_2_Minute
/say I will be logging out in 2 minutes. I am sorry if I didn't get you buffed,
but this is time so I do not run out of packs and food.
/pause 5
/say I will be ending buffs shortly and the last person will be buffed before
I logout.
/pause 5
/say Thanks for your time and patronage.
Macro name: Buffing_Logout_1_5_minute
/say I will be logging out in 1 1/2 minutes. I am sorry if I didn't get you
buffed, but this is timed so I do not run out of packs and food.
/pause 5
/say There will be no more buffs and the last person will be buffed before I
/pause 5
/say Thanks for your time and patronage.
Macro name: Buffing_Logout_1_Minute
/say I will be logging out in less then 1 minute. I am sorry if I didn't get
you buffed, but this is timed so I do not run out of packs and food.
/pause 5
/say Please try back some other time and again I am sorry if I missed you.
/pause 5
/say Thanks for your time and patronage.
Macro name: Buffing_Logout_Last_Buff
/groupchat Almost ready, please wait.
/macro buffing_target_group_leader
/pause 15
/say Last buff goes to %NT. Have a nice day.
/pause 2
/macro buffing_enhancements
/pause 30
/say Logging out in 45 seconds.
/pause 15
/say Logging out in 30 seconds.
/pause 15
/say Logging out in 15 seconds.
/pause 15
/say Good-day!
/pause 5
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